Recent Donations Received

We acknowledge recent donations on this page. We often get anonymous donations that we want to recognize. We process donations on Fridays. If you don’t see your donation, please contact us today.

We give feedback to individual donors where possible. This year, 37 773 audio Bibles have been distributed via the MegaVoice office in Pretoria to countries including Kenya, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, South Sudan, and Tanzania … We now have new media centers in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Namibia.

Please rejoice with us.

Please consider contributing to the distribution of the Word of God.

Johan and Shadreck Nyaungwa – EHC Nambia – at the airport in Windhoek- 20241204
Johan and the Bible Society of Namibia team – Dr. Schalk Botha 20241204
Johan Grobler with Tom Treseder the founder of MegaVoice. Tom who is now 91, is still very active and always a blessing to meet with.

Geoff and Brenda speaking to visitors to the MVGA (MegaVoice Global Australia) table at South Valley Baptist – Geelong, VIC, Australia

We are grateful for your contributions.

#donors #receipts #acknowledgements #partners #donations
